
My more lucid moments and I'd tell you this is where I want to be in life, getting paid to write lengthy features and opinion pieces. The blogosphere has made this a rather cruel game. Unfortunately everyone has informed (or a scale thereof) opinions about everything. Ha, I guess then here are mine.

I had to break a few rules on my piece after Amy Winehouse died, but being so incensed by the gutteral response to her demise, I thought I'd throw my slight informedness into the mix.

The London Riots - We're missing the point

- the aftermath of Britain's most widespread rioting brought many questions but what seemed obvious was their lack focus is so central and telling in itself.

Amy Winehouse: Showing addiction is a terminal disease 

- the misunderstandings of addiction meant I had to write this one, originally not in my own name. Elucidating addiction for those who get confused over concepts like choice, self-control, and disease.

The News of the World - Can we finish them off? 

- having written for the Sun in my past I had a strange catharsis around this one, but kept it all fairly straight and didn't get involved. This was written as the phone hacking scandal was about to enter the red, Rebekah Brooks still had her job, and not all the facts were out. Not that they are now. 

Weird assassination attempts 

- a bit of fun (not for messrs Reagan, Castro, and ironically Gadaffi) in thsi piece. The strange ways governments, individuals, groups and agents have tried to hit their targets. 

The evolution of spaceships in film

- I don't know why I started writing this but it was a project that took a long time. Charting how and why space ships started looking a certain shape, how they evolved and what the rammifications were for the plot and timbre of their portrayal in film.

The freegan heist - I tag along and get a bit scared

- I was so smashed many moons ago that I barely remember this night. Maybe it never happened. A freegan heist with some lovely uni students when I really should have known better. Verdict: for all the food would have cost I'd rather have paid.

When Video Games Flop

- I've never been a fan of computer games, so working a job that requires I knew about them - and wrote about them - brought out rebellion in literary format. I enjoy rubbing up gamers the wrong way, they always take it very personally. Commenting that their favourite games were unsuccessful was to state fact, but I knew it would annoy.